agricultural consultants


New regulations for winter grazing management practices

Recently, the Government released the action for health waterways package which establishes new requirements for winter grazing management practices. Although the new standards won’t come into effect before May 2021, it is important that farmers familiarise themselves with these rules now, as they have direct implications for upcoming decisions regarding crop and paddock selection in spring this year. Amelia explains what you need to know now and how to adopt the right changes early on.

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Responding to climate change

Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge of our time. Global warming has already significant ecological impacts with major social and economic consequences. Primary sectors in New Zealand are increasingly looking at how climate change could affects them. The AgriBusiness Group has been helping sectors to understand their climate change impacts through measuring emissions, with the kiwifruit industry being the latest example.

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The effect of irrigation on soil

What effect does irrigation have on the long-term water holding capacity of your soils? Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research recently led a Sustainable Farming Fund project that studied the relation of irrigation and soil quality. Sarah from AgriBusiness Group was involved in the extension of the project, organising an event for journalists to learn about the recent scientific findings and their significance for farmers.

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Dairy Excellence in Turbulent Times - the Myanmar Dairy Excellence project's covid-19 response

The Agribusiness’ work in Myanmar has not been immune to the disruption sweeping the world in recent months. For now, our focus is on keeping our people safe while we work from home. But we look forward to getting boots back on the ground soon, helping contribute to the recovery of Myanmar’s economy.

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